Popular Automations

Some of the "secret sauce" that makes Lead Vortex customers so successful...

Newsletter Automation

Generate & indoctrinate leads effortlessly by sending them down a simple email automation and using our Newsletter GPT to write newsletters in less than 60 seconds

Social Comment -> Private DM

All it takes is an intentional call to action on social media and you can have DOZENS of people commenting a keyword.

Lead Vortex will recognize this keyword and start a private DM conversation with them to capture their information and book an appointment with them.

Appointment Reminders

Increase your show up rate with a simple appointment reminder sequence

Automated Client Onboarding

When someone says "yes" to your services, all it takes a single click of a button to start the new client process in motion! Send invoices, Book follow-ups, & assign tasks without any manual input!

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Business Chaos Managed. Like You've Never Seen Before

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